Fast method of fixing top and bottom plates to one side of studs
Fast method of fixing top and bottom plates to one side of studs.
As StudStraps have integral teeth, they provide a fast and effective method of fixing timber wall studs to top plates. As StudStraps are fixed to one face of the stud there is no need to rotate the wall frame during manufacture. The pre-formed bend provides a tight fit to stud and plate, providing a flat internal surface for the fitting of internal linings.
StudStraps are suitable for both 70 and 90mm wall studs with the use of 1/35mm up to 2/45mm thick wall top plates.
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- StudStraps have been designed to secure timber top and bottom plates to studs in high wind areas.
- StudStraps can be fixed to the outside of timber stud wall frames, providing an even internal surface for plastering.
- StudStraps can also be used in braced panels to comply with Type A and B bracing specifications in AS1684 ‘Residential Timber-Framed Construction’.